Thursday, April 30, 2009

A few FAQ's


Coffee, Cinema and Conversations...  what's the connection ? 

Coffee is refreshing. So is Cinema. and so are Conversations !  Put the three of them together, and you have an awesomely refreshing evening. 


How often do you meet for screenings, and where ? 

We meet to screen and discuss movies, every Friday evening at 7:30 pm,  at  SID Plaza, CEPT campus.


Is there more to it than just screening  ?

You bet there is !  We discuss, analyze, appreciate, debate and rip apart movies. it's fun ! 


What are the screenings like ?

The screenings are al-fresco style. You watch the  films  in the open, under the sky,  huddled between your friends. Just the way we blieve movies ought to be watched ! 



How are the discussions ? 

One word. Stimulating. 


who can be the members ?

Anybody and everybody. We hope to make this a space where students from various colleges ( and their respective film clubs )  get to interact with each other. We also hope to bring together all the film makers and film entusiasts in this city.   Ambitious, did i hear you say ? Well.. we're already there !                    


I am an aspiring/first-time film maker. should i join ? 

that's Great !  CCC will be a wonderful audience for your films. You could also interact, share ideas and take feedback from fellow film makers. CCC seeks to provide a platform to screen independent/rookie/first-time/student films made locally that otherwise don't find such a platform.


..and the coffee ? 

well, You have to pay for your own coffee  !  except for sometimes, when we feel a little rich and loaded :) 



well, What are the terms/conditions ? 

There is only one rule of CCC: there are no rules :) 



So Please drop by for the screenings. We'd love to have you with us. 

and bring your conversations ! 



Gopal K

+91 97244 97290




  1. i appreciate your of teaching, i should rather say guiding because that brings friendly feeling. Thanks for your dedication and enthuasism.

    nil gagan

  2. thanks NIl Gagan. It was an absolute pleasure and so much fun :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. luckily there are no popcorns and pepsis or cokes...and hopefully no shahrukhs and karan johars either

  5. i wonder why, but the first thing that comes to people's mind after hearing coffe and conversations is Karan Johar !!?

  6. Interesting concept.. very similar to I see.. :-)

    all the best!
